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A Highland Christmas [Prometheus in Chains 12] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 3
A Highland Christmas [Prometheus in Chains 12] (Siren Publishing Classic) Read online
Page 3
“Elsie, Ron, Anna, and Lennox! Now our party is complete,” Jane said in surprise and delight. “Come over to the fire and get warm.”
“I’m right glad to see you and yon fire,” Ron said in his distinctive Yorkshire voice. He walked over and shook Jane’s hand. She wasn’t having that, so she got up and kissed his cheek. He looked discomfited. Elsie and Jane exchanged hugs, and Jane drew them both to the sofa. The older couple had fostered Lennox from a baby, and they were very close to Jane and Angus now. Lennox was as much a Scott as Alex and Ruari, with the distinctive brows, hawk-like nose, and those wonderful eyes. Angus said he could see Charlotte, his first wife and Lennox’s mother, in his face, but Jane had recognised his features from the start even if she hadn’t immediately placed him as Angus’s son. Anna was tall at five ten. She had short, spiked, blonde hair and large, green eyes, which usually sparkled with mischief. She was pretty, with excellent bone structure. Her lovely form was shown off to perfection in the mid-blue cashmere sweater and navy wool slacks. She had such long, shapely legs. Jane couldn’t help a sigh of envy.
“Do come and sit down, Fiona is going to change the twins and Gloria will help her, so you sit here and get warm. Did you enjoy the journey?”
“Eh, lass, t’weren’t too bad. We had a fine meal on t’way up ‘ere,” Ron said, smiling.
“Yes, we did. But I’m fair parched and a good cuppa is just the job.” Elsie had a Yorkshire accent, too, but tried to lose it as much as she could in company. Jane was just going to say something when the waitress and the young man arrived with fresh tea and a plate of warm scones. Elsie poured tea for herself and Ron, as Anna and Lennox had gone over to join Angus. Soon they had eaten a couple of scones, and Elsie pronounced them to be good.
“You know, Jane, that young lass, Fiona I think you called her, it looks to me as if summat’s up wi’ ‘er,” Elsie said in a low voice, leaning over to confide in Jane.
“Yes, Elsie, I’m sure there is. Perhaps between the two of us we can get to the bottom of it. It seems to me that feeding those two babies is too much for her.”
“‘Appen it is, but we shall ‘ave all on to get ‘er to say so.”
“But we are older and more devious, so once I have talked to her husband, we can try and remedy matters.”
“I will ‘elp all I can.”
“Good, now drink your tea, and have a good rest in front of the fire. We can worry about the young folk later.”
Chapter Four
After a superb dinner and a lot of chat, Angus suggested an early night and all agreed. Angus led Jane back to their room.
“Now, mo run, I am going to make love to you like I haven’t done for a while.” He led her over to the bed. Her limbs began to shake from arousal and anticipation. He picked up his bag from the floor and took out a soft leather belt. He fastened it securely but not too tightly around her waist.
“For the last few weeks I have been very gentle with you, first because of your operation, then because you seemed to prefer it that way. I haven’t heard the sounds I love to hear coming from your mouth. No!” He put a finger to her lips to stop whatever reply she had been going to make.
“I do know why, and I understand. Tonight you belong to me. I want your sighs moans, pants, and sobs, and you aren’t having the use of your hands to prevent them.” As he spoke, he took first one wrist then the other and wrapped them carefully in the soft leather cuffs attached to the belt. He checked each wrist to make sure the binding was not too tight and she was comfortable. He helped her up onto the bed and settled her with her head and shoulders propped on the pillows and her legs apart. Jane was trembling, and she felt the moisture pool in her pussy and slip down her thighs.
“Are you comfortable, my little darling? I know your hip has healed, but if at any time you are in discomfort from it, I must know at once.”
He broke off one perfect, apricot rose, and making sure there were no thorns to pierce her tender flesh, he placed the rose behind her ear and kissed the tip of her nose. Then he went over to the other side of the bedroom and very slowly pulled his shirt off over his head, folding it before he placed it carefully on the chair. Jane’s breath hitched. She loved the sight of him naked. She knew he loved to tease her. His hand headed for the strap of his sporran, and he took it off and placed it on top of the shirt. He didn’t look at her, but Jane knew he was aware of her breathing and her every reaction to him.
He unbuckled his kilt and folded it carefully, placing it over the back of the chair. Lifting one foot onto the chair, he unlaced his brogues, pushing his woollen stockings down and off his foot with the shoe. He removed the Scott tartan flashes from the stocking, carefully inserting them both into his shoe. Jane got tantalising glimpses of his balls as he bent over, just as she knew he’d intended. She began to pant. He repeated the operation with the other foot.
Jane was wriggling and squirming in her impatience, and she heard him chuckle. He turned to face her after retrieving something from his bag. As he walked to the bed, she saw something black dangling from his hand, but her eyes were drawn to the engorged cock that bobbed from the nest of black and silver hairs at his groin. The head was fat, shiny, and purple. The long, ropey vein throbbed, and pearly drops escaped from his slit. She licked lips gone suddenly dry.
“I want to blindfold you now, mo run,” he growled. He placed the black scarf over her eyes, and she lifted her head to help him as he tied it. She settled back down on the pillows as he sat on the bed beside her. She listened avidly to what he was doing. There was a snap of some plastic lid, and then she gasped as a cold cream was smoothed over both her breasts. His long, strong fingers soothed her as he smeared whatever it was until it covered her to his satisfaction. Then she caught the sound of the lid being replaced and another being removed. Something was placed on each nipple.
He chuckled and removed the blindfold. She saw her breasts were mounds of white cream with a cherry on each nipple. She watched him as, looking her in the eyes, he bent to lick the cream off. She arched her back and moaned as his tongue rasped over her. His mouth closed over the cherry, and he took it into his mouth, sucking in her nipple at the same time. He nipped the tip between his teeth, and holding it there, he flicked his tongue back and forth then suckled hard, and she shrieked.
“Ah how I have missed that,” Angus said with a sigh, releasing her nipple with a plop and turning his attentions to her other breast. Jane was writhing under him. She panted and sobbed, but he wouldn’t go faster. He’d said he was going to make her scream, and scream she did as he suckled the other nipple and nipped at it with his strong teeth. He moved between her thighs and held them apart with his shoulders. He pushed her knees up as far as he knew was comfortable for her, exposing her open pussy for his delight. His mouth descended on her clit as his fingers penetrated her pussy, stroking over her G-spot. Her head thrashed from side to side. Her sobbing moans filled the air. His fingers thrust in and out of her pussy, twisting and scissoring until she begged.
“Please, Master, please. Make me come. I can’t wait.”
His mouth was on her clit, his tongue flicking over the swollen, needy, little bud. Then came a strong suckle, and she shrieked as she reached her climax. He drove her on to a second one. Lights flashed behind her eyelids. Pleasure flooded her. Her limbs shook and she trembled as she rode out her release. When the after-shocks had ceased, Angus gathered her into his arms and held her close to his chest.
“My little darling, you are beautiful in your arousal, but nothing on this earth is more precious to me than to see you come at my hands,” he whispered to her. She couldn’t speak. She clung to him, and tears leaked out of her eyes and dripped onto his chest.
“What is it, mo run? Did I hurt you?”
“No, Master, it’s hard to bear such happiness, I have missed this so, too. I wanted, no I needed you to fuck me like that. I’m sorry I have been so down,” she said. He bent his head, and tipping up her chin, he kissed her long and deeply.
“It’s not something to be sorry for. You are going to get better here, and that’s all that matters. Now hush and kiss me.”
The kiss heated them both. His cock was still hard and throbbing. She could feel the heat of it. She broke free from his arms, and pushing him onto his back, she straddled his hips and lowered herself onto him.
“Are you sure this is not going to hurt you?”
“I don’t know. I don’t think so, but I want to try it. It feels fine now.”
His rigid cock filled her pussy. He flexed his hips and pushed a little further in, eliciting a moan. She began to ride him, rising up and slamming down on his dick, cautiously at first but with increasing enthusiasm. He helped her, steadying her hips and raising his own to meet her downward thrusts. She knew he loved the milking, clenching of her cunt muscles and made sure she satisfied him. She loved the feel of his cock deep inside her, filling her, fucking her. All too soon she felt him still, then the rush of scalding, hot liquid erupt from his cock in jerks as he came with a loud grunt. She fell forward on his chest, and he clasped her to him as if he’d never let her go.
Chapter Five
Christmas Day arrived. There was snow on the ground, but the sun came out and made the views over loch and mountains just perfect. Elsie loved the views, and the snow made it just like a Christmas card. Usually she was far too busy to care if it was snowing or not as she bustled around her kitchen assembling the huge Christmas lunch. She’d not been really happy when Lennox said they were wanting to come up to Scotland with Angus, but looking out of the window and thinking that she had nothing to do but please herself, she began to see that there were advantages to going away for Christmas. Getting soft in my old age. What would my old ma say if she saw me now staying in a castle in Scotland? Well, best make the most of it. I’m fair starving, and I will say that they put on a good spread up ‘ere.
“Let’s go for a walk around the loch,” Lennox suggested after breakfast.
“A walk along the banks of the loch. That’s just what we need to work up an appetite for lunch,” Llewellyn said, to loud guffaws as his appetite was legendary. Fiona stayed behind to look after her babies. Anna had been feeling sick and queasy, so she decided to stay in bed for a while. The rest of the party laughed and talked and took pictures of the stunning scenery. Elsie and Ron walked a little way, then returned to the castle taking Rhys and Morwen with them. The children wanted to get back and examine the pile of parcels under the tree, a much more appealing prospect than a walk to look at the view.
Anna was sitting leafing desultorily through a pile of magazines when they arrived back. The children took off their outdoor things and made a bee-line for the parcels where they lay temptingly under the tree. They began to shake and probe the ones with their names on and speculate about the contents.
“What did you ask for in your letter to Santa?”
“I asked for a new baby and a pram, but none of these seem to be the right shape,” Morwen said a little downcast. “What did you ask for?”
“I want the new Wii, and you’re right, none of these parcels seem to be the right shape. This one is odd. I wonder what it is?” The children prattled on, and Elsie sat down by Anna.
“You are looking peaky, love. Is anything up?”
“No, I felt sick and queasy this morning and just didn’t want any breakfast.”
“Oh aye, ‘appen we’re to ‘ear good news then,” Elsie suggested.
“Oh, no. We haven’t been trying for a family yet. It must be something I’ve eaten.”
“Oh aye? I wish I’d a pound for ivery lass that I’ve ‘eard say that.” Elsie smiled at her. “‘Ow long has this queasiness been goin’ on then?”
Anna looked at her in consternation. “More than a week now. It can’t be that. We haven’t talked about it. Lennox may not want a baby now.”
“If tha’s up t’duff, lass, ‘e’ll be ower t’ moon,” Ron said.
“Ron, go and play wi’t bairns,” Elsie said sharply. He looked at her and meekly went.
“Any other symptoms?” she asked Anna. “Breasts tender?”
“Oh my God yes. I must be, but I can’t be. We always use protection.”
“They ‘ave been known to fail afore, lass.”
“I have to talk to Lennox.”
“Yes you do. Pity we don’t ‘ave one o’ them new-fangled testing things.”
“Yes it is, and it’s going to be a few days before the shops will be open. I’ll talk to him tonight.”
“That’s the best plan. Any road up, I’d best get Ron upstairs and dressed up for ‘is lunch,” Elsie said and got up. She collected Ron and took him upstairs.
Half an hour later, Lennox knocked on the door of their bedroom, and then he walked in.
“Ello, son. Congratulations are due then? When is she ‘aving t’bairn?” Ron asked.
“What bairn?” Lennox asked puzzlement in his voice.
“Now, Ron, ‘ow many times ‘ave I to tell thee to watch what tha sez?”
“Sorry, Elsie, luv, it slipped out.”
“Really? Well, Lennox now ‘e’s said it, you may as well know that I think Anna is having a bairn.”
“Oh no.”
“What?” Elsie said.
“I mean wonderful. I mean…Oh I’m going to ask her to marry me tonight, and if she knows that I know about the baby, she’s going to think I am only asking her because of that.”
“Best make sure she doesna find out then, son,” Elsie said.
* * * *
Anna, coming along the corridor from their room, heard Ron tell Lennox, and she heard the dismay in his voice as he said “Oh, no.” She turned and fled in tears along the corridor and was just going into their room when Jane came out of the room next door.
“Anna, my dear, what is it? Why are you crying? Come in here and tell me all about it. It’s Christmas Day. You can’t be unhappy today.”
Angus was sitting in one of the armchairs reading his book. Anna went into the bedroom with Jane, and they sat on the bed. When Anna had calmed sufficiently to be able to speak coherently, she told Jane what she’d overheard.
“There must be some mistake or some logical explanation of it. Lennox is in love with you. Anyone can see that.”
“That doesn’t mean he wants a family. We haven’t talked about it. I don’t want to force him. He sounded really dismayed when Ron blurted it out. Now he knows he will think he has to marry me and raise this child. I will never know if he wanted to marry me or he was trapped into it. Oh, Jane, what am I to do now? I’m not even sure I am pregnant. I have no testing kit to confirm it, just the sickness and tender breasts.”
“Both are good indications. Can you remember when your last period was?”
Anna began to calculate and then looked at Jane round eyed. “Two months ago. With Christmas and all, I had forgotten. Oh dear, I must be pregnant. I’m usually so regular.” She began to wail again, and Jane held her close.
* * * *
The bedroom door had not closed entirely, and Angus heard all that was said. He stood up and went to find Lennox in Elsie and Ron’s room.
“Lennox, you have a problem. Anna is with Jane. She overheard you saying ‘oh no’ when Ron told you she was pregnant, and now she thinks you don’t want the baby.”
“Hell and damnation, how am I going to put it right now? Just what I didn’t want to happen. If I ask her to marry me now, she will think it’s because of the baby.”
“That’s just exactly what she did say to Jane. That she’d never know if you really wanted to marry her, or just thought you ought to because of the baby.”
“Oh no, that’s just exactly what I wanted to avoid. I’d better go and talk to her now,” Lennox said, heading for the door.
“Nay, lad, best think it ower first,” Ron exclaimed.
“He’s right,” Angus said. “You need to think how you are going to answer every obj
ection she makes before you go and speak to her.”
“What can I say? She thinks I’m only going to ask her to marry me because of the baby. How am I going to prove otherwise?”
They discussed various ideas and discounted them. Angus could see Lennox was getting more and more distressed. Ron didn’t look happy as he was the one to have let out the news. Then, all of a sudden, Angus started to laugh. The others looked at him as if he’d gone mad.
“I can’t see anything to laugh about,” Lennox said.
“What fools we are, Lennox. Where is that ring?”
“In my pocket, why?”
“Do you have the receipt, too?” Angus asked. Light dawned, and Lennox laughed, too.
“What is it?” Elsie asked, puzzled.
“Angus knows that I had that ring made last month. I used the same designer that he uses for Jane’s custom-made stuff. As I did, then no one can possibly think I am only asking her because of the baby.”
“Well that’s that then. Now can I ‘ave my Christmas dinner? I’m fair sharp set,” Ron asked in an aggrieved tone, and they all laughed.
Lunch was the traditional turkey, with all the trimmings. The children were on their best behaviour as gifts would be handed out when they had all eaten. Lennox was getting nervous.
“Lennox, son, you aren’t eating much. Is there anything wrong?”
Lennox met Angus’s smiling eyes and shook his head.
“I must have eaten too much breakfast. I don’t have much of an appetite.”
Angus knew he’d decided to propose in the evening after tea, but in view of what had happened, he was going to do it after lunch. He was wearing the full highland rig in the Scott tartan ready to do justice to the occasion.
After the pudding was brought in, the rum poured over it and set alight to the amusement of the children, they all took coffee and liqueurs in the drawing room. A log fire crackled in the grate. Lennox cleared his throat and dropped on one knee in front of Anna. He took her hand and lifting it to his lips he kissed it.