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de Lune, Clair - Initiation [Prometheus in Chains 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 2
de Lune, Clair - Initiation [Prometheus in Chains 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) Read online
Page 2
“You smell so sweet and your kiss is a delight. I can’t wait to taste your cream.”
Had he really said what she thought she heard…no, he couldn’t have. She’d read too many books, and that was making her dream of what she wanted.
“You have far too many clothes on,” he said.
“I-” She paled and glanced around in panic.
“What is it?” he asked.
“I can’t, here in front of all these people,” she whispered.
“Later you will,” he said, “but as tonight is your first time, we will have privacy. Stay here, do not move and do not look up, speak to no one. You are mine. I will be back very soon.”
He lifted her, actually lifted her, off his lap and set her down in the chair, and then he left her. She risked a glance as he strode quickly away. Everyone got out of his way and the kilt swayed seductively. He wore a white shirt with the sleeves cut off and a leather jerkin. He looked magnificent. She dropped her gaze to the floor as he had told her and settled to wait. She could do this.
The sound of high heels approaching warned her before a pair of black patent-leather boots appeared before her. She saw they were five-inch heels and the shapeliest calves she had ever seen. Life was just not fair. Why had fate decreed she could not have legs like that?
“Who have we here?” a lilting voice asked. Jane did not answer and did not look up as he had ordered.
“Eyes on me, sub.” The Domme sounded pissed off, but Jane did not answer or move. She reached down and took hold of Jane’s chin, forcing her head up.
“I asked you a question, sub, and by God you will answer me! Who are you and why are you not in the uncollared subs area where you should be? What are you doing here? Get on your knees when you are spoken to by a Domme.”
Jane did not know what to do. Nothing that she had read came into her mind to help her. He had said do not move, do not look at anyone, do not speak to anyone, but this woman was a Domme…did his no one include this impressive and getting-angrier-by-the-second Domme?
The Domme solved her problem by giving Jane a push to get her attention. This was strong enough to knock Jane off balance. Caught unawares, she slipped off the edge of the chair, hit her face on the small table to the side of it, and felt the blood flow.
There was an angry growl. Master Angus had seen the push and the consequences as he strode back to where Jane waited, the key to a private room in his hand.
“How dare you lay hands on my sub, Catriona?” he said in a dangerously low voice.
“Your sub, is she? Then where is her collar, why did she not answer my question and say she is your sub?”
Suddenly Master Angus smiled as he realized what had occurred.
“Oh, Catriona, she is new, this is her first time here. She knows little of the lifestyle.”
“Well, she could have said so. In my view she needs a good spanking or, better still, a taste of the crop to teach her to obey a Domme.”
Master Angus smiled in reassurance as Jane sucked in a breath.
“Why did you not answer the Mistress?” he asked. “You took my orders not to speak to anyone or look at anyone or move quite literally, didn’t you?”
“Y–y–yes, Master.” She whispered. “I did not want to offend the Mistress, but you had said I must not speak to anyone or look at anyone,” she explained.
To her surprise, she was rewarded by a crack of laughter from Mistress Catriona.
“Oh, well, I suppose misunderstandings do occur, and it was not disobedience, rather an excess of obedience that caused it. Get a collar on her, Angus, before someone else not so understanding as I am comes along and hauls her off for a beating. Better clean up that scratch, too.”
Catriona punched his arm and strode off.
Jane sagged in the chair, and Master Angus leaned down and took her arm to help her up. When she got on her very wobbly legs, she realized he must be at least six foot five. He towered over her and made her feel small. No wonder he had called her “little”.
“Come along and we will clean you up.” He did not wait for a reply but took her hand and towed her to the stairs. She scrambled to keep up with him. He was well muscled, and his bare arms were covered in hair. The kilt swayed as he walked, and again she wondered if, under it he...
“I did say you might well find out tonight,” he said. Startled, she gasped and wondered how he had known what she was thinking. Would she find out? How? When?
* * * *
Angus had seen Jane as soon as she entered the club. He was on Dungeon Monitor duty and was keeping an eye on any new members or new guests. He had read the temporary membership applications and, as was his custom, he was going over them in his mind, fitting faces to the information he had, when he saw her. His cock twitched and he thought, down boy, not tonight or any other night soon. He saw she was with Jenny, who he knew well. Now, what was the name of Jenny‘s guest tonight? Suddenly she smiled and he drew in a sharp breath. He remembered her name, “Jane”. He saw she had noticed he was looking at her. That wasn‘t all he was going to do if he had his way. He was fully engorged by this time and feeling bloody uncomfortable. He wanted Jane like he had wanted no other woman for so long. He found Prometheus and allowed himself to be talked into introducing her to the club.
He and Prometheus were old friends and partners in Prometheus in Chains, something not a lot of people knew and he preferred to keep it that way. Ten years ago Angus‘s wife had died. She had been his slave at her insistance. He had not wanted it that way but had gone along with her and that had led to consequences he did not like to think about. For ten years he had not taken a sub. He had done scenes but always making it clear it was for one night only. He had done favours for Prometheus in the past as his friend had tried to fix him up with a permanent sub. Prometheus had never suceeded, but he did not stop trying, so Angus was easily able to let Prometheus suggest what he himself wanted. Time enough to let others know when he knew himself.
He had gone over to her and when she tried to get to her knees and had had difficulty his heart had swelled alarmingly. He wanted to help her. He wanted to hold her close to his heart and never let her go. Hang on a minute, Angus, he thought. Where is all this coming from?
She was delicious and she looked down and did not meet his eye so she had had some instruction as to how to conduct herself. It was going to be a delight to train her. There you go again he thought. Training implies more than one night and if she is so new to the game a lot more.
Prometheus had promised that he, Angus, knew her limits and would keep her safe. He had read her application, and she did not really seem to know what she wanted. He looked forward to pushing those limits as far as was pleasurable for them both.
She was wearing far too many clothes and those would have to come off. He assumed it was because of her age and her concern over being in the club with so many younger subs. No doubt she had knickers on and he would be having those off too. By now his cock was so swollen he thought it would explode, and he had not had that reaction to a sub in years. Did he want all this? Did he really want to go down that road again? His cock was for setting off at a gallop right now. His head said wait and see. When she had put her little hands so trustingly into his large one, he had had all on not to pull her close and kiss her witless. Maybe he was the witless one starting something when he had sworn never again. He was no spring chicken and neither was she. She was a widow if he remembered rightly. He wondered how long her husband had been dead and if it had been a good marriage. She had not mentioned family.
She had heard the myths about the kilt and she was intrigued, he saw, and overcome with delicious confusion when he caught her looking and promised she might find out. He smiled and remembered her blushes and wondered if they went down as far as those generous breasts with the hard little nipples he was aching to fondle. She had looked startled when he said “little darling” So, yes, she did have issues with her size, he thought and began to plan what he would
do to help her over them. Then he thought of just what he would do and smiled. It would not be very comfortable for her at first but it would remove any doubt in her mind about her attractiveness, and if Torquil did his usual thing, it would be just perfect.
She was warm and soft and fragrant. When he caressed her and she cried, he had felt the pain come back just fleetingly and he hoped she had not noticed. He could not bear her tears.
He had surprised himself with the Gaelic endearment. It had been a long long time since he had used that but it fitted her and the way he felt about her. Then she had said she didn‘t know what she could give in exchange and he almost laughed but was glad he had not. She would have assumed he was laughing at her and he would never hurt her so. When she had hesitated to sit on his lap he guessed she had even more issues with her shape and size than he had suspected, and so he had insisted and she had responded to his best Dom voice. When he had kissed her, his cock had almost exploded. Then she kissed him back with all the fire she had in her and he hoped he would be able to help her overcome her problems and blossom into the beautiful woman she was. She knew little of BDSM beyond the novels, and she had looked startled when he said he wanted to taste her cream. She had strength and had held to what he had told her to do even in the face of an angry Catriona. That took some doing and took some courage.
This was going to be so much fun for the pair of them. Then it hit him again. The pair of them. He had started out that way with his wife, but she led him where he had not wanted to go and he had ended by resenting it. Could he do it again? Could he bear not to? He wanted Jane and not just to fuck. He wanted to take her in his arms and protect her from every wind that blew and get all those fears about her body out of her head. He wanted the feisty woman he knew was hidden in there. He had had a taste when she kissed him back and he was hungry for more. Well better get on with it then and see where it went. After all she might not want to be with him for more than one night.
Chapter Two
He took her up the stairs and along an open landing which overlooked the main room. She looked down on the scenes in the main room below. A large Dom was using a flogger on a small sub with elfin features and a neatly cut cap of glossy black hair. Jane wondered if all the Doms were large. When the sub moaned the Dom stopped flogging her to go and kneel on the floor by her head. Tenderly, he took her chin in his hand and raised her face. She must have given him the answer he needed, as he checked her bonds and resumed the flogging to the evident pleasure of them both.
Unconsciously, Jane had slowed then stopped to watch the scene below. Master Angus had allowed her to look her fill, and then he said “Questions?”
She pointed to the Dom and his sub and asked what was going on.
“She has a stressful job in a hospital, and her Dom is helping her to get release. His job is to make sure she is safe and does not withhold her safe word when she needs to use it. He checks her bonds to make sure they are comfortable and will not harm her.”
“Why wouldn’t she use her safe word?”
“Well some subs love pain, and the Dom’s job is to make sure she is not harmed even in spite of herself. Safe, sane, and consensual…remember?”
“Yes, but if the sub does not use her safe word, she is still consenting, so why did he stop?”
“Indeed she is, but it is an exchange, remember, and if the Dom judges it is too much he will stop. He is in overall charge of the scene, and the responsibility is his. They will have discussed the scene beforehand and agreed on limits. He can and will stop a scene before it goes too far for his sub’s protection.”
“I see,” she said but she wasn’t sure she did. Who would be mad enough to want someone to inflict so much pain on them that it did permanent damage?
“Who in their right mind…”
“Well you have hit the nail on the head there. If a sub is carried away by the moment, the euphoria, maybe the sub will not be in his or her right mind, but the Dom will be and that is his responsibility.”
That made things a bit clearer, but all that pain was not something she wanted to explore at all. She shuddered. She noticed that Master Angus was watching for her reaction and he just smiled as he saw that fleeting thought cross her face. She had always had trouble concealing her thoughts.
She looked at him, a question in her eyes. He had startled her with his smile, and she knew she had not said the thought out loud.
“It is my job as a Dom to focus on you, your needs, and your reactions. Little darling, your thoughts are mirrored on your face.”
That shook her. Not all of them, she hoped. She was conscious of a growing attraction to him and was trying to hide it.
After all, he is doing Prometheus a favour, she thought. “Keep a hold of yourself. You are needy, but you cannot expect anything of him. You have only just met him for goodness’ sake, and it’s not as if he sought you out. Get a grip!”
Master Angus fitted the key in the lock, turned it, and opened the door. He went into the room and turned on the lights as she followed him. She looked around curiously. Eighteenth-century French décor, elegance, and comfort seemed out of place linked with BDSM, she thought.
“Look at me, little darling.”
Her eyes flew to Master Angus.
“In this room you speak only when I ask a question, and you keep your eyes lowered unless I tell you to look at me. You have too many clothes on. Strip. Now.”
The steel in his voice had her scrambling to obey, he saw in satisfaction. But her fingers slowed, and she stopped taking off her clothes.
* * * *
Hmmm. We have a problem there, Angus thought. “Now!” he repeated, and slowly she complied…too slowly.
“Fold your clothes and leave them on the chair. When you are naked, stand in the middle of the room, legs apart. I understand you have arthritis, and so I will not ask you to kneel. Put your hands behind your back, eyes lowered. I am not a patient man, so get a move on!”
When she had done all he asked, none too quickly, and that would have to be attended to later…there we go again…later, implying other meetings. Why had he decided to do this? He needed time and serious thought, but not now. His cock was swelling by the second, and he needed to focus.
She waited, naked, her head bowed. He circled her and looked his fill. She was blushing furiously. She was no longer young and must be worried that every flaw was on display. He had done scenes before with older women and knew they were self-conscious and afraid of being compared to younger and more attractive subs.
“Beautiful!” he said.
She gave a snort of derision, and he smacked her bottom hard. She cried out. The smack must have come as a shock, but she said nothing so she had listened to his instructions. That was a good start.
“Do not ever do that again. I think what I see is beautiful, and that is all that matters.”
“No, Master Angus.” she said in a strangled voice. He could hear she was close to tears. The smack had hurt. He wondered if she was thinking of the sub she’d seen taking a flogging. Maybe she was worried he would flog her.
“Did I ask a question?” He saw she was about to say “no” but decided discretion was the better part of valour and shook her head instead.
“Good, I see you are learning, now come over here.” He pointed to a vanity unit, and she went over to him and stood waiting. The cupboard over it contained all he needed. He took her chin in his hand and raised her face. He cleaned her face with a wipe and applied antiseptic.
“It is not a deep cut, but you will have a bruise.”
He took her hand and led her to a chair and made her sit on his lap. Once again, he bent her over his arm and proceeded to kiss her until her senses reeled. He did not have to ask. Her mouth opened for him, and he took possession. He did not allow her to take any control this time. He nibbled her bottom lip, and from there down her neck and along her shoulder. She was hot and wet and ready. Her nipples pebbled under the caress of his strong fingers.
r /> “Next time we will try clamping these,” he said. He saw her eyes flare as she realized he had said “next time.” He felt the difference in her. She sat straighter and a small smile lifted the corners of her mouth.
What the fuck was he doing? Raising expectations he did not intend to fulfill…or did he? Angus thought.
He realized he would see her again because he wanted to see her again and that was something that rocked him. For years he had had no sub. He had never quite found what he needed. Prometheus was a devious bastard and had sent a lot of subs his way to tempt him and thought he had sent him this one. He knew Angus was bored by the young subs. Could this grandmother be the one? He did not know if he even wanted to start all the long training of such a new sub. What to do? Maybe just carry on and see where it all led.
He forced his mind away from that thought and concentrated on the moment. Leave the rest for now and enjoy what he had. He took his hand from her breasts and cupped her mound…Hm trimmed but not bare, something else to be corrected.
“Open your legs.”
She complied and opened her legs a few inches, so he slapped her mound. She got the message and opened wider. He slid one long finger into her slit. How wet she was. He had a lube waiting but saw he would not be needing that. So much cream was not common surely in one of her age.